Gclock is a tiny clock program which does one thing and one thing only: it displays the current
time and date.
- Displays date and time updated approximately once per second.
- Pops up at mouse position.
- Quits on any key event
- Loads very, very quickly, at least on my 633 MHz Alpha
- Bind to a keyboard shortcut in your favorite window manager.
When you want to know the time just hit the key combo. When you
know the time, just hit a key again. This way you don't have to
have some of your precious screen real-estate dedicated to a
clock that you don't use the majority of the time. Just see the
time when you want it.
- Taking up hard drive space.
- One more thing to type ./configure && make && make install on.
It parses ~/.gclockrc using the default gtk rc files. I used this to
set the font for labels to something both pleasant and big.
Instructions for how to are found in the README file, but if you can
get an X font string (one of those ugly things that looks like
"-ttf-time roman-medium-r-normal-*-*-720-*-*-p-*-iso8859-1"), then
it's intuitive.
Get the Source
Last modified: Sun Aug 22 15:53:44 EDT 1999