#! /usr/bin/perl
use strict;
use CGI;
my $cgi = new CGI;
my $file = $ENV{DOCUMENT_URI};
$file =~ s|^/||;
$| = 1; # turn off output buffering and print out content header
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
# Set our variables from the CGI
my %vars;
$vars{background} = $cgi->param('background') || "#119511";
$vars{root} = $cgi->param('root') || $file =~ m|^(~[^/]+/?)|?"/$1":"/";
$vars{title} = $cgi->param('title') || "CTL";
$vars{separator} = $cgi->param('separator') || ' => ';
#Create the title bar
#Process the beginning of the header
my $header = "\n" .
$vars{title} . '';
#don't process the file's name
my @components = split('/', $file);
my $tail = pop @components;
if ($tail =~ m|index\.s?html?|i) {
$tail = pop @components;
#If this is in a home directory, we've already added that in.
shift @components if $file =~ m|^~|;
#build the inbetween stuff
my $path;
foreach my $foo (@components) {
next if $foo !~ /\S/;
$path .= "$foo/";
my $newfoo = ucfirst $foo;
$newfoo =~ s|_| |go;
$newfoo =~ s|\.s?html?$||gio;
$header .= "$vars{separator} $newfoo ";
#Add on the name of the file
if ($tail ne '') {
$tail =~ s|\.s?html?||io;
$tail =~ s|_| |go;
$tail = ucfirst $tail;
$header .= "$vars{separator} $tail ";
#Get the URLs right
$header =~ s|//|/|go;
$header =~ s|tp:/(?!/)|tp://|gio;
$header .= "\n";
#and finally print the thing.
print $header;
My Pet Tegu
I currently own two tegus. One is an argentine black and white
tegu (tupinambis merianae) named Niels which I purchased from
Agama International,
a captive reptile breeder located in Alabama. The other is a
columbian black and white tegu (tupinambis teguixin) named
Peaches which my girlfriend
gave to me for my 22nd birthday.
I am including the discussion of the enclosure here because both
tegus live in the enclosure and prettymuch everything that I have to
say about it is the same for both animals. I constructed the
enclosure in which Peaches and Niels live, which is 8' long by 2.5'
deep by 2' high. It had been 1.5' high but I found that too
restrictive and limiting, so I retrofitted it with taller walls.
I've learned some interesting things about building tegu enclosures,
which I'll try to relate here.
For the moment, let it suffice to say:
Plexiglass is great stuff -- strong enough to withstand a
hungry tegu ramming into it when running at the approaching food
dish, flexible enough not to hurt said tegu whenhe hits it, very
optically clear, and a better insulator than glass.
Unfortunately, however, the flexibility of plexiglass has a
downside: plexiglass is very flexible stuff and this means
that one needs to put a lot of latches on it to keep tegus from
pushing it far enough to create a place to escape.
The inside of a properly humid tegu enclosure is very humid
indeed - thus all exposed metal on the inside (screws,
angle-brackets, braces; and probably metal on the outside, as
well) should be something that won't rust. I've had good luck
with brass (and brass plated) stuff.
While both are great for many purposes, neither silicone nor
superglue are very good at making brass stick to plexiglass. I
found silicone to be prettymuch useless (while the latches did
stick, they came off when any signficant force was applied to
them). Superglue (ethane cyanoacrylate) is a bit better, and
some of the latches that I used it to attach are still holding.
However, some of them have also come off. I've currently
switched to attaching them with epoxy. So far it seems good, by
we'll see how it holds up with time.
As attractive as various types of reptile carpets are, some
sort of diggable substrate is both much easier to take care of and
makes the tegu much happier. Right now I use a combination of T-Rex
Forest Bed and T-Rex
Coconut Bark (primarily the forest bed with a few packages of
the coconut bark on top). I keep it about 2-3" thick (Niels and
Peaches rearrange it as they see fit). I find that it is much
easier to clean droppings (with a carpet, particles get worked
into the carpet and are difficult to remove -- with a particulate
substrate, you just remove the affected area, which is very small
and thus only requires adding additional substrate probably once,
maybe twice a year -- the cost is negligible compared to the
spared effort and better appearance), it satisfies their natural
desire to dig (they just rip up carpet), it's much safer on their
claws (they each lost a claw when kept on the carpet), and really
helps to keep the humidity up. Actually, I want to reemphasize
the appearance part. One aspect of keeping reptiles is the
pleasure in looking at beautiful animals. That is lessened
greatly by a dirty carpet. When the substrate is particulate
matter, it looks both more natural and when you clean you are
essentially guaranteed that it won't take much effort for things
to look as they should. Carpets are just difficult to clean. The
humidity aspect is perhaps the most important, though. As long as the
bottom layer of the substrate is wet (I just water the entire
thing with a watering can every few days to a week), when the
burrow into it to sleep at night, their skin gets hydrated very
well. Actually, Niels sleeps under a plastic upturned dog litter
box, and it's a lot of fun to watch him move the substrate to plug
up the hole when he goes into it to sleep in the evening.
All of those stories of lizards rubbing against rocks to help
get rid of shedding skin are quite true -- it's important to
have some sort of rough rock that's either heavy or bolted (or
glued) down so that they can get pieces of their shed to come
I currently use a 3' fluorescent UV reptile bulb. I somewhat
regret having gone for the 3' model rather than the 4' model.
There isn't much of an energy savings, and 4' is much more
standard. If I had it to do over again, I would install a 4'
ballast. Whether I'd use one or two bulbs, I'm not really sure.
I currently use only a
T-Rex Cobra heating pad
(size: 60+ gallon terrarium). Since the enclosure is, while not
airtight (that would be very bad), pretty contained, the pad keeps
the enclosure between the high 70s and the low 80s. Moreover, the
lizards frequently lay on it to fulfill their basking needs. I have used this
setup for nearly a year now and it seems to be working well with
healthy, active lizards. Moreover they don't spend an abnormal
amount of time basking on the pad, indicating that they get
sufficient warmth from it (though the health and activity is a
better indication).
Another benefit from using the pad to heat the enclosure is that
at 28 watts, it's very energy efficient and hence cost effective.
Note: I keep my rooms very warm (in the low 70s). If you keep
your rooms colder, you might need more than one pad to keep your
enclosure in the correct temperature range.