#! /usr/bin/perl use strict; use CGI; my $cgi = new CGI; my $file = $ENV{DOCUMENT_URI}; $file =~ s|^/||; $| = 1; # turn off output buffering and print out content header print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; # Set our variables from the CGI my %vars; $vars{background} = $cgi->param('background') || "#119511"; $vars{root} = $cgi->param('root') || $file =~ m|^(~[^/]+/?)|?"/$1":"/"; $vars{title} = $cgi->param('title') || "CTL"; $vars{separator} = $cgi->param('separator') || ' => '; #################################### #Create the title bar #Process the beginning of the header my $header = "\n" . $vars{title} . ''; #don't process the file's name my @components = split('/', $file); my $tail = pop @components; if ($tail =~ m|index\.s?html?|i) { $tail = pop @components; } #If this is in a home directory, we've already added that in. shift @components if $file =~ m|^~|; #build the inbetween stuff my $path; foreach my $foo (@components) { next if $foo !~ /\S/; $path .= "$foo/"; my $newfoo = ucfirst $foo; $newfoo =~ s|_| |go; $newfoo =~ s|\.s?html?$||gio; $header .= "$vars{separator} $newfoo "; } #Add on the name of the file if ($tail ne '') { $tail =~ s|\.s?html?||io; $tail =~ s|_| |go; $tail = ucfirst $tail; $header .= "$vars{separator} $tail "; } #################### #Get the URLs right $header =~ s|//|/|go; $header =~ s|tp:/(?!/)|tp://|gio; $header .= "\n"; #and finally print the thing. print $header;

Short Literary works

Below are some of my favorite short literary works.


Short Stories


This page was last modified on December 2, 1997.